Brain Teaser 2
See if you can solve these without calculators (using only logical reasoning). These are pretty easy. Answer below (in reply post)

1. Of the 800 women in an African village, 3% wear just one earring. Half of the remaining 97% wear two earrings while the other half don't wear any earring at all. What is the total number of earrings worn by the women in the village?

2. There are only two barbers in a small village and they have their shops opposite each other. A logician passing by saw that the first barber's shop was untidy, the barber himself was unkempt and had a lousy haircut. The barbershop opposite was clean and the barber was tidy and well-shaven yet he preferred to have his hair cut by the first barber. Why was this?

3. At a restaurant a customer found a fly in his cup of coffee just as he was about to drink it and asked the waiter to have it changed. When the waiter came back he took a sip and told the waiter: "This was the same cup that I had earlier." How did he know?

4. We were born of the same mother, on the same day, at the same hour and in the same year. Yet we are not twins. How do you explain this?

5.Two fathers and two sons were seated round a table. There were four apples on the table. Each of them took one apple and ate it entirely yet there was still one apple left on the table. How was this possible?

6. Before Mount Everest was discovered which was the highest mountain in the world?

7. Here everything is not always in order. For example, Friday comes before Thursday, the cart comes before the horse, the driver comes before the employer. Where are we?

8. In a drawer are 20 red socks and 20 black socks in complete disorder. If a man gropes in the dark and opens the drawer what is the smallest number of socks he must take out to be sure that he has one pair of the same colour?

9. When I am alive I stay put where I am. It is only when I am dead that I move about here and there. Who am I?

10. How can you be behind a person when that person is also behind you?

11. I am never the first to speak but I am always the last to be heard. Who am I?

12 year ago   (01/06/2012 5:48 PM)             Post Reply    

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Replies (1)

1. Since half of the 97% wear two earrings and the other half don't wear a single earring it is as if every single one of them wears one earring. And since the other 3% of the women really wear one earring each the total number of earrings is 800.

2. Since there were only two barbers they must have cut each other's hair. The second must have his hair cut by the first!

3. He had already put sugar in his coffee before he noticed the fly!

4. They are triplets.

5. There were only three persons at the table comprising a grandfather, his son and his grandson.

6. Mount Everest, of course. It was always there!

7. In a dictionary.

8. Three.

9. A leaf.

10. Put yourself back to back of each other.

11. An echo.

12 year ago   (01/06/2012 5:54 PM)